AM/PM Care
ACDS provides extended day care on an hourly basis or by the trimester. The program is available to any student enrolled at ACDS and it runs from 7:00-8:00 am and from 3:00-6:00 pm. If parents choose to enroll their children by the trimester in the PM Care Program, they may participate for one, two, or three hours. The AM/PM Care Program is licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services, and staffed by teachers and employees of ACDS.
The philosophy and objectives of the program reflect the mission of ACDS while providing a valuable service to those parents whose work schedules prevent them from dropping off or picking up their children at the regular school hours. The AM/PM Care Program provides a safe environment for play, and an opportunity for students to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere or to do homework. At PM Care, a nutritious snack is provided by the school each day.
The AM/PM Care staff provides games, activities, movies, and socialization opportunities for the students. Aside from taking care of the daily needs of children who are present, the staff encourages mixed grade level interaction among students and many strong friendships are formed between students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to engage in informal activities with a wide range of schoolmates.
For Active-Duty Military Families: ACDS’ AM and PM Care is a participating provider of the Childcare Aware- Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood program. This is a benefit for our enrolled service member families. The Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood program provides fee assistance for families of Active-Duty Service Members and full-time NGA employees who are unable to access on-post child care.

Students may bring their own lunch or enroll in the school-sponsored lunch program.
ACDS partners with Full Spectrum Catering for its hot lunch program. Meals are pre-ordered and may be ordered by the day, week or month at a cost of $8.25 per meal. Milk is $1 per day. Salad bar is included with the purchase of a meal. Orders must be placed by the Friday before the desired delivery date.