Working Together Welcoming Warblers
ACDS is collaborating with the City of Alexandria through the PARKnership program to make improvements to Monticello Park, the park closest to our school. As part of our curriculum and service focus, students will inventory the tree and plant species, add educational signage regarding trees and birds, and make improvements to the picnic area. The project will be led by current ACDS teachers and students, and we are inviting alumni, local birders, and the neighboring community to participate.
During the 2017-2018 school year, ACDS applied for a grant from The Community Matching Fund to embark on this project. Seventh grade students presented the project to the committee, with a supporting video made by the second grade. We were fortunate to be selected and awarded $5,000. ACDS will raise an additional $4,000 and contribute at least 40 hours of volunteer time to complete the project during this school year.

Working Together Welcoming Warblers
ACDS is collaborating with the City of Alexandria through the PARKnership program to make improvements to Monticello Park, the park closest to our school. As part of our curriculum and service focus, students will inventory the tree and plant species, add educational signage regarding trees and birds, and make improvements to the picnic area. The project will be led by current ACDS teachers and students, and we are inviting alumni, local birders, and the neighboring community to participate.
During the 2017-2018 school year, ACDS applied for a grant from The Community Matching Fund to embark on this project. Seventh grade students presented the project to the committee, with a supporting video made by the second grade. We were fortunate to be selected and awarded $5,000. ACDS will raise an additional $4,000 and contribute at least 40 hours of volunteer time to complete the project during this school year.

Recent Activites
• On October 18th, seventh and eighth graders visited the park with John Noelle, an arborist with the City of Alexandria, and Rod Simmons, Natural Resources Manager/Plant Ecologist, to begin planning their work.
• On October 12th, second and third graders visited the park with birder, Bill Young. They learned about how birders identify birds, and what types of birds frequent the park.
Nature in Monticello Park. Includes photos and detailed writes of bird species in the park, a survey of known plant species, and additional information.
eBird: Bird Sightings in Monticello Park. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology maintains this site as a place for the birding community to share bird sightings around the world. This link shows real-time sightings at Monticello Park.